Devoxx 2016: Huntly or nothing!

La version originale de ce post en Français peut être trouvée ici : This year at Devoxx France, I was the only Code-Troopers1 available but it didn’t matter because I found Michaël2, former “tourangeau” colleague currently living in Toulouse. We are going to talk to you about how fun these 3 days were. For the 2016 DevoxxFR edition, something came up that should have come sooner: we are talking about official mobile applications. Nothing astonishing here you could say, and I agree because for the previous editions we had some good fellows, working on their free time I guess, which provided some alternatives allowing us to have a digital schedule in our pocket. Instead of “just” publishing an application allowing to see and manage your sessions (that’s My devoxx), they also published on the stores the Devoxx Huntly application, which tag line is “Win tickets for devoxx events”. ...

May 19, 2016 · 5 min