This begins a serie of home automation articles.
First step
I recommend to start with something easy.
I tried a remote controllable wall socket a few years ago, and it really works very well. I use it to control 4 lights area in my living room.
Now it’s time to take it to the next level!
Choose wisely
There are 2 main wireless protocols to communicate with your devices, 433.92 MHz and Z-wave.
433.92 MHz is just the communication frequency, and every constructor implements its own protocol.
There are a lot of devices you can find using 433.92 MHz, but if you want to control everything, you’ll need something generic.
Here comes the rfxcom.
In the world of domotics you can order your equipment from a wide range of suppliers.
It’s a usb device that receives and sends signals via 433.92 MHz.
With that tool I needed a “home brain”, something that could control various stuff.
After some digging (and advices from Florian Chauveau), I decided to use domoticz.
Glue it all together
Docker on raspberry pi
I recommend to look at, everything is explained:
- Setup an image on your sdcard with docker 32bits installed
- Build the rpi-domoticz-docker image on your raspberry (optional if you pull it from the registry)
Here is what I did
- Download a docker ready image for your sdcard at
- Copy the image to the sdcard
sudo dd if=hypriot-rpi-20151103-224349.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M
- Start your raspberry
- Plug in the rfxcom
- Connect to it via ssh (root/hypriot)
- Get the latest rpi-domoticz-docker
docker pull agileek/rpi-domoticz-docker
- Launch it
docker run --device=/dev/ttyUSB0 -p 8080:8080 -d agileek/rpi-domoticz-docker
- Backup
-v /root/domoticz.db:/root/domoticz/domoticz.db
- Backup
- Connect to domoticz http://mydomoticzserveraddress:8080
Don’t forget to add the rfxcom to the hardware list and enjoy!